Anna Meyer First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship

To qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet the following:

  • Recipient(s) must be a resident of Louisiana
  • Recipient(s) must be an undergraduate first-generation college student (i.e., neither custodial parent(s) nor legal guardian(s) have earned a college degree) with remaining financial need after deducting Estimated Family Contribution and all federal/state/institutional grant or scholarship aid from student’s Cost of Attendance and/or students, whether first-generation or not, awarded the federal Pell grant.
  • Recipient(s) must meet university standards for acceptance at the University of Louisiana Monroe, must be admitted to the university, and must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree.
  • Scholarship may be renewed if a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA is maintained. The scholarship may be renewed up to a maximum of seven semesters for an incoming freshman only.
  • All other classifications will receive the scholarship for the remaining semesters required to complete a four-year degree.

Undergraduate Students, First Generation Scholarships- TRIO, Foundation Scholarships, General (All Majors Eligible)