Dr. Ben Cobb Memorial Nursing Award

Established by friends and family in memory of Dr. Ben Cobb and in tribute to his many years of dedication to the medical profession.

1. Recipient(s) must be accepted into the professional program of the School of Nursing as prescribed in the current catalog and must have advanced through Level II of the program.
2. The award will be based upon academic and clinical excellence with the recipient(s) maintaining a minimum overall GPA of 3.4.
3. The award will also be based upon the recipient(s) typifying the qualities of dedication and competence for which the nursing profession has been traditionally and rightly honored, including leadership; professionalism; clinical performance and quality of patient care; and caring and compassion for patients and their families.

College of Health Sciences, Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships, Kitty Degree School of Nursing , Professional Program
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please select the levels you have successfully completed to date:
  2. Please describe briefly about the importance of professionalism, clinical performance and quality of patient care; and caring and compassion for patients and their families.