Emmit Curry Memorial West Monroe Civitan Club Scholarship

Established by the West Monroe Civitan Club in memory of Emmit Curry.

1. Preference will be to an entering freshman, then to other classifications, including graduate level.
2. Recipient(s) must have an overall 2.5 GPA in high school. Recipient(s) must maintain a 2.5 GPA each semester to continue receiving the scholarship. (This scholarship is renewable for a maximum of 4 years or the number of semesters remaining to complete a four year degree.)
3. Preference is extended to students planning to pursue a degree and career in the Health Sciences, with additional consideration for those planning to work with the handicapped.
4. Preference is extended to students graduating from high schools in West Ouachita Parish.
5. Preference is extended to former Junior Civitan Club members.
6. Preference will be given to students who exhibit some financial need.
7. Recipient(s) must be a person of integrity and high moral character.

College of Health Sciences - All Schools, Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships, Scholarships for Incoming Freshman Only, School of Allied Health
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a former Junior Civitan Club member?
  2. If yes, please provide the name and email address of a personnel who can confirm your membership:
  3. Have you ever overcome obstacles such as a socioeconomic or educational disadvantage? If so, please submit a short statement explaining your situation.