The Sharon Griffith Turrentine Endowed Scholarship for Women’s Entrepreneurship

The Endowment will be used to support the following:

A. A scholarship operating fund named the Jennie Clair Carroll Women in Leadership Scholarship.
B. The scholarship recipient(s) are awarded through the normal university scholarship selection process.
C. Recipient(s) must be a student enrolled at the University of Louisiana Monroe on a half-time basis or more in one of the programs that falls under the David and Sharon Turrentine School of Management.
D. Award(s) are reviewed annually but may be awarded to the same student for multiple years of his/her college career as long as a minimum 3.0 GPA is earned while under the scholarship award. However, the maximum length of time over which a student can receive the scholarship is four years.
E. Minimum criteria are identified above but preference will be given to students who meet one or more of the following criteria:
i. Student is a female from Ouachita Parish.
ii. Student has a cumulative 3.0 gpa.
iii. Student has financial need as demonstrated through the financial aid process, part-time to full-time employment, lack of other educational financial resources, etc.
iv. Student has demonstrated some leadership potential as evidenced by an involvement in some type of community, educational, or social group or organization.

The University of Louisiana Monroe Scholarship Committee or its normal scholarship selection process will select the Jennie Clair Carroll Women in Leadership Scholarship recipient.

Sharon Griffith Turrentine Endowed Scholarship for Women’s Entrepreneurship
Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships, School of Management