Castles Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Castles, Sr., Professor Ira C. Castles, Jr., Richard D. Castles, and Genieve Castles.

1. Recipient(s) must be high school graduates with outstanding academic records, a minimum 3.0 GPA, a minimum ACT score of 24, and working toward certification to teach in public or private schools as opposed to the Parochial and Missionary teaching professions.
2. Recipient(s) must have good moral character and be patriotic loyal citizens of the United States.
3. Recipient(s) must be willing to work with self-discipline and eagerness to achieve acceptable goals for successful lives, and be of service in the community.
4. If Education majors are not available, the scholarship may be awarded to majors in Accounting.

College of Arts, Education and Sciences, College of Business and Social Sciences, Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships, Accounting, School of Education, School of Education- Chemistry Education, Earth Science Education, Elementary Education, English Education, French Education, Social Studies Education