Bob & Donna Brooks Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Bob and Donna Brooks to provide future generations with special opportunities for business success in construction or insurance.

1. Recipient(s) must be a full-time student pursuing a degree in Construction or Insurance.
*Exceptions to this are students who are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the former faculty members who greatly influenced Bob’s college experience and his life: Dr. Elton Ray Barrett, Botany, and Mr. Will T. Smith, Accounting. These students will be eligible regardless of their field of study.
2. Recipient(s) must have an overall 2.7 GPA or higher and must maintain this GPA level each semester to renew the scholarship.
3. Recipient(s) should have been involved in extracurricular activities in high school, and demonstrate leadership and entrepreneurship skills.
4. The scholarship may be renewed annually if these criteria are maintained.

Bob Brooks
College of Business and Social Sciences, Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships, Construction Management , Risk Management & Insurance
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you the grandchild or great grandchild of Dr. Elton Ray Barrett and Mr. Will T. Smith?