Allen B. Thigpen Endowment Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is established in the memory of Allen B. Thigpen by his family and friends. Allen was a University of Louisiana Monroe Pharmacy Student and a member of the “Sound of Today” Marching Band. The purpose is to provide scholarships for deserving Pharmacy students.

- Recipient(s) must be a full-time (12 hours or more) student pursuing a degree in Pharmacy.

- Recipient(s) must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

- Preference will be given to students from the Ouachita Parish area.

- Scholarship is renewable if a 3.0 GPA is maintained. The scholarship may be renewed up to a maximum of seven semesters for an incoming freshman only. All other classifications will receive the scholarship for the remaining semesters required to complete a four-year degree. Should the recipient(s) drop out of the pharmacy program, the scholarship will be awarded to another applicant who meets the criteria for selection.

- Recipient(s) must demonstrate the high caliber of character and citizenship exemplified by Allen Thigpen.

Undergraduate Students, College of Pharmacy, Foundation Scholarships, Pharmacy