Don Weems - 31 Ambassador Endowed Scholarship

Established in honor of Don Weems to provide scholarships for the members of the University of Louisiana at Monroe 31 Ambassadors.

1. Recipient(s) must be a member of the University of Louisiana at Monroe 31 Ambassadors with at least one full semester of service in the 31 Ambassadors.
2. First semester after selection will not be counted towards fulfilling this requirement.
3. Recipient(s) must remain in good standing with the university and with the 31 Ambassadors.

Don Weems
31 Ambassadors, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a member of the University of Louisiana at Monroe 31 Ambassadors with at least one full semester of service in the 31 Ambassadors? (Do not include the current semester.)