Lois and John Breaux Public Relations Endowment Scholarship

The Lois and John Breaux Public Relations Endowment Scholarship was established by Senator and Mrs. John Breaux.

1. Recipient(s) must be a full-time student pursuing a degree in Communication with preference given to public relations or other related field under Communication.
2. Recipient(s) must be enrolled in an internship program for public relations.
3. Recipient(s) must be have a 2.7 cumulative GPA in college courses with a 3.0 GPA in their area of concentration.
4. Scholarship is for one year only and shall be awarded to coincide with the semester in which the recipient(s) is enrolled in the internship program.
5. Recipient(s) must be a resident of the state of Louisiana.

College of Arts, Education and Sciences, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Foundation Scholarships, Communication
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload an unofficial copy of your most recent transcript. (High school seniors: please upload your high school transcript, Others: please upload your transcript containing college courses)
  2. Please provide any past or current internship opportunities you have participated in related to Public Relations or Communications.
    • 1. Name of the organization/ company:
    • 2. Dates of participation (mo/year- mo/year):
    • 3. Name of your supervisor:
    • 4. Contact information (email/ phone):